Monthly Archives: December 2010

2010 in review (with pictures!)

January- It was cold. We had these lovely family pictures taken. I went to Indianapolis to do YogaFit Level 2.

February- It was even colder. Andy went to Oklahoma for a four-day weekend to visit a Navy buddy. I booked my tickets to San Francisco! I started my twice a week yoga class with my ladies here in town.

March- It finally warmed up a bit. I had a week off from work and spent a night in Chicago with my hubby. It was awesome.

April- Went to a PostSecret Event. Had my wisdom teeth removed. Rocked out at a Girlyman/Indigo Girls concert. Such a gorgeous spring, and we bought our house!

May- Started teaching yoga at the gym. Attended a bachelorette party and worked on wedding preparations for June. Went to San Francisco!

June-  Three lovely weddings and a family reunion at the lake!

July- My birthday! We built a fence. I taught at a yoga retreat. Attended Anatomy and Alignment training.

August- My sister came to spend the weekend. We celebrated our second anniversary. Went to Chicago for fly yoga! Started private sessions with K.

September- Stopped teaching at the gym. Temporary break in hectic yoga teaching schedule, enjoyed some classes at fancy yoga studio.

October- Andy’s birthday! Attended YogaFit Level 1 retrain. Went to a cousin’s wedding. Threw a Halloween murder mystery party. Started No Fear Yoga.

November- Had a nice, relaxing month. Enjoyed the last few weeks of fall. Had a Happy Thanksgiving.

December- Wrapped up No Fear Yoga. Went to Chicago to see Wicked. Looking forward to lots of family parties and a vacation between Christmas and New Year’s, and a smashing 2011!

Click here to see 2009 in review.

A letter to this blog

Dear blog,

I’m here to extend my sincere apologies for neglecting you so thoroughly lately. I know it’s the holidays and you’re probably lonely. I want you to know that I do still care about you and I hope that we can be together again someday.

I need some time alone. Life is crazy, hectic, and full of extreme ups and downs. I am still teaching and practicing yoga and still pursuing my 200RYT. But I have run out of words about yoga. For now. They will come back someday and then we will be reunited. It will exceed all of our hopes and dreams.

I have been doing a lot of writing lately. Not about yoga, but about life and the things I am currently dealing with. Like yoga, writing lessens my load and someday I will look back on my current situation as a period of growth. Like yoga, I know you will always be here for me when I’m ready to write again.

But for now, I am focusing on myself and my dear Andy, and that requires me to withdraw just a bit from the blog world.

Happy holidays to you, my dear blog. Thanks for being my friend for the past year.
